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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Show

Today was Aubrey's Christmas Show at school. Her class had two songs. They got wheeled out in the stroller - basically looks like a big car. As you can see they have it decorated with clouds and angel wings. Miss Aubrey got to sit up front - that is for sure one of the benefits of being "fun size". All of the kids had little bells around their ankles and a shaker in their hand. Brian got super close and was able to grab some photos. We figured she'd cry once she looked out into the audience and saw the packed church but she did just fine...not one little peep. She was too busy looking around and taking it all in. The next show will be in the Spring and by that point she should be in the Toddler Room and will get to walk out on the stage. We'll have pictures of that to come sometime in April. Happy Holidays :)

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