Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010 Hello 2011

I can't believe that a whole year has gone by since we were getting Miss Aubrey ready for her 1st New Year's Eve! This year we kept things pretty simple because she has been sick since the 25th. We hung around inside the house today because it was only 45 degrees out today and much too cold to go out to play since she is just starting to feel better. This evening Eunice and Jeremy came over and we went out to eat at a Chinese Buffet. Aubrey's appetite has finally come back so she enjoyed some rice, noodles, broccoli, watermelon, grapes, mandarin orange, chicken, jello and a bite of green tea ice cream. We came home and Aubrey got ready for bed and went down about 9:30. As I am typing this I can hear her yelling to be picked up (it's now 11:54). She's not been sleeping so well this past week because her ears, nose and chest have been stuffed up.

I thought it would be nice to celebrate Aubrey's year. She has traveled to Massachusetts twice to meet fer family and has vacationed in Tucson. She has completed almost 1 whole year in school and will be moving to the Toddler Room on Monday! She has moved from being an exclusively breastfed baby to a toddler that eats everything that we do! Aubrey learned how to crawl, then walk and now run. She says DaDa, dog, uh-oh and hi. She can dance, play music on the guitar and can clap and keep rhythm better than her mom. She traded in her baby seat for a big girl car seat. Aubrey has learned how to draw using crayons and markers. She is learning how to use her shape sorter and loves to look at books. She absolutely enjoys playing with the computer, cell phones and IPods. Her best buddy is Osito and he has learned to love her too! She has won the hearts of everyone that knows her and we are looking forward to seeing what she does in 2011!

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