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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa clothes

Last December we were out walking the mall with Elisa and Thalia and we stopped in Carter's. We already had Aubrey's Christmas outfit so I was just browsing. I saw this cute little outfit and decided to get it for 2010. I wavered between the 12 month size and the 15 month size but finally opted for the 15 months. I figured that the 12 month may be a bit too small.

It hung in her closet all year and we broke it out last week. The 15 month size is a bit big....I probably would have been better with the 12 month. The dress looked a bit like a tent but she went to school in it anyway and she totally rocked it!


  1. What is that big brown thing in picture 4?

  2. How adorable but I do think that the 12 month would have been a bit too small!!
