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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas is Coming

Thursday night we finally put the tree up. I took the boxes down from our closet last weekend. I needed to use the stepladder and when I went back into the bedroom after dropping the boxes in the family room Aubrey had climbed up the stepladder. I called Brian into the room to take a look at her and she climbed up the next step and then turned and looked at us with a huge smile on her face. Note to self: Aubrey moves quick. We need to remember that she is into everything!
She has been really good with the tree. Brian suggested that we should not put the glass ornaments up on the tree this year in case Aubrey gets at them and they break. We have a few ornaments up that Nana Donna sent me last year for my birthday that are unbreakable. You can see Aubrey hanging a few. She likes to take them down and then put them back in the same spot. I am sure this will be a game that continues until the tree comes down! I can't wait to see her face Christmas morning when she sees the new things that she has to play with under the tree!

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