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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Big Girl Seat

Back on Cyber Monday I was perusing the sites when I came across carseats that were on sale at Babies R Us. We'd been talking about upgrading to a big girl seat because Aubrey was still in her baby seat and her legs were just beginning to hang over the edge. The prices were too hard to pass up due to the sale. Britax carseats were on sale for a steal so I did some quick research and narrowed it down to three. We ended up going with the Boulevard CS which Brian describes as the BMW of carseats. The darn thing is uber pricey but worth it! And as I said it was marked down, plus we had a gift card from Auntie Alice and Uncle Bob as well as a store credit so we were in luck!

We ordered it online and it came in about a week later. We unpacked it and it sat in the house for a few days. Aubrey loved climbing in and out and in and out and in and out of it! Last weekend Brian installed it in my car and we've been riding around in it ever since. Sadly I think she liked it better when it was in the living room. It's a bit of a struggle to get her in it now. She likes to stand up in it and touch the ceiling light in the car. It's got huge side impact resistant head rest which doesn't make for an easy view out her windows. She is still sitting backwards in the car so she has a mirror to look at in front of her. In her old seat she could look out the side windows but it's a struggle in this new seat and I don't think she is too happy about that. At some point she'll meet the 20 pound requirement to face forward however it's safer to have her seated backwards so we are going to try and keep the seat that way for awhile longer. Hopefully she'll get used to the seat soon and actually enjoy the car again!

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