Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Best Reaction Yet

Aubrey got many many things this year for Christmas. She got a whole new wardrobe from Nana Donna, Nana and Papa. She got Cabbage Patch dolls from Nani as well as a Little People Barn, books and an interactive music game. Nana sent her an Ocean Music table. Uncle Mark gave her Tickle Me Elmo and a new little outfit. Don and Laurie got her a nice dress (I am thinking an Easter dress) and an interactive book. Josh and Dana got her a Red Sox track suit that Brian wishes fit him! We got Aubrey some stampers and a play kitchen.

We opened all of the gifts up this morning with (or for) her. She wasn't too interested in opening them herself. The kitchen was all assembled and covered up with a sheet so once we were done with all of the other gifts we went out to the living room to show her the kitchen. We tried to get her to come check out the sheet but she just stood there with a look like, "What are you crazy? I'm not going under there!" Brian then put the pot on the stove and made it boil (yes it makes noise). That intrigued her a bit. We then dropped the sheet and revealed it. Check out her reaction!

1 comment:

  1. WOW---a bit spoiled,huh. That's great. The video is priceless!! It's great to see how interested and curious she is!!
