Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Artistic Abilities

I found some washable window markers one day while perusing around Home Goods. I figured we could give them a try since they were washable. They made their way into Aubrey's stocking for Christmas and we tried them out yesterday. Needless to say they were a big hit! She drew all over the back door and only tried to draw on the floor once. She was really very good about keeping the color on the window panes.

Later last night as we were getting dinner ready I broke out the markers again. As you can see Aubrey attempted to sample the blue marker. I took the marker away and sat her down to eat where she spilled some orange jello on her sweater and then got some raspberry popsicle on her forehead and all over her mouth. Yes I realize that this is not the best choice of foods for a little one....but she has been sick since Saturday (Christmas Day) and is not eating much of anything. At this point I am happy for whatever I can get into her little body!

1 comment:

  1. She's quite colorful!! Nothing could ruin that gorgeous face, though!!
