Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November Photo Shoot

While we were back in MA at the beginning of the month we were able to get a photo shoot in with Melissa and Kim. They took up photography and have invested in amazing cameras, accessories and huge photography lights. They take great pictures so we asked if they would do some pics of Aubrey. We had a 2 hour photo shoot and they got some great pics. During most of the shoot Aubrey just wandered around exploring so there are a ton of action shots. She was walking from room to room in Melissa's house and they were following her snapping away! They had a little stuffed chair that belongs to Katie, Kim's daughter, and Aubrey had a blast crawling in and out of it. On a side note, we are looking to get her one for Christmas!
Aubrey loved Melissa's dog, Timber, who is a giant compared to Osito. She had a great make out session with him and they have the pictures to prove it! Kim's new addition, Allie, was at the house and Aubrey wasn't super interested in the baby. At one point I was holding her and Aubrey turned around, saw me with Allie and started crying. She ran over to me so I knelt down so she could see Allie and she was all about trying to crawl up into my lap. She was not too pleased to think that she needed to share her space with someone else! At one point during the day Melissa and Kim were laughing at something Aubrey was doing and she looked up at them and let out the most fake laugh ever! She was imitating them and it was hilarious!
We tried to get some family photos in too but Aubrey was getting tired and wasn't super excited about sitting still and posing. Here is one shot and you can see that she is thinking, "Get the heck away from me!". We'll share more from the photo shoot soon!


  1. the photo cd has been put in the mail and should be arriving by the end of the week!! (sorry for the delay - things got a littler crazy with the holiday!) enjoy!! :)

  2. I hope you enjoy the pics- Aubrey is a doll! I do have to say one of the silliest pics ever is her make out session with Timber- you simply have to share that :)
