Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 20, 2010

Indoor Fun

Aubrey had gotten this super cool swing for her birthday. The only problem is that it is still sitting in her play room and not hanging outside. Although she would have more fun with it outside she has found ways to enjoy it. She loves to climb in it and just sit and relax.
In the first picture she can see she is totally chillin'. Brian and I were in the kitchen and I looked over and saw that she had climbed in and was just hanging out. I ran over to get the camera and she didn't even move! In the second picture she is in her pajamas and that was a weekend morning. She recently has become interested in her dolls. If I pick one up and hug it and then give it to Aubrey she will squeeze it and occasionally kiss it....way too cute!

1 comment:

  1. When are you guys gonna put the swing outside???
