Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bed Head

So a year ago at this time I was writing about Aubrey's hair loss and wondering when her hair would grow back. Well if you have seen her lately, or at least seen the pictures, you know that her hair has grown in at full force! It is still fairly short on top but the sides and back are long and have beautiful little curls.

Each night she goes to bed with clean curly beautiful hair. She then tosses and turns all night and the curls disappear and her hair gets matted down. She has an area in the back which her teachers lovingly call "Aubrey's nest". It gets all tangled and nappy and looks like a birds nest! I will say that since we cut out the all night nursing sessions on the 3rd she has been sleeping better. She gets up once and gets into bed with us and then sleeps through the rest of the night (as far as I can remember). Since she is sleeping better it means she is tossing and turning less.

However this morning she woke up while I was in the shower. Brian got her back to sleep and when I peeked in on them they were spooning and the top of Aubrey's head was right under Brian's chin. They both looked so peaceful...it was super cute. When it was time to wake her up I was treated to a sight!She had been restless and her hair paid the price. I laughed hysterically at her crazy, crazy bed head! You can see from the pictures that she was still tired and less than thrilled to have the pictures taken.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited she's eating better! The hair is adorable. The second one from the bottom is my favorite.
