Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, March 11, 2011

Well Hello There....

Did you think we forgot about the blog? Every night for the past week I have had intentions of sitting down to update it but it just hasn't worked out. Why you ask? Well......we are having some trouble sleeping. Miss Aubrey has been cutting 3 molars for awhile now and I think they have really been bothering her lately.

Usually she is in bed by 8:40 each night. This past week she has typically woken up about 20 minutes later screaming. Monday night I figured that I would see if I could get her to lay back down in her bed if I patted her. Nope - didn't work. So we then tried laying down in our bed. Nope - didn't work. Eventually we made our way out to the living room and she was crying and gagging so much that she ended up getting sick everywhere. Lesson learned....she will get sick if she cries for too long! Sadly she inherited that Mitchel trait!

She did better the rest of the week - probably because she didn't ever get to that point. Twice during the week I layed down with her in our bed and never ended up getting up to get ready for bed. Ooops! Guess we both needed the sleep!

She has already been up once tonight. I am trying to get this post completed and get all pumped before she wakes up again. It's a race against the clock...

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