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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Aubrey got to wear her green today. However she did not get to show it off at school. We were home on a sick day again. Tuesday her teachers had noticed she was warm and they took her temp around 3:00 pm and she was at 99.9. I picked her up around 5:15 and she was still at a steady 99.9. Later that night she got up to 102.2 and then all the way up to 104! I felt that was prett high so I called the 24 hour nurse hotline and they suggested Tylenol and said until the temp got to 104.5 on the thermometer that we were ok to stay home.
Yesterday we went to the doctor's because I was worried that there may be more fluid in the ear. Sadly I was right. Her left ear has some fluid in it but the doctor seems to think that it is from her throat. Her throat has puss pockets all over it and is a bit swollen so that could be why her eustachian tube is not draining properly. The doctor said it's a viral infection so we need to just wait it out.
We were home again today because she was still running a temp yesterday and today. I think she was feeling better and was stir crazy and wanted to get out of the house. Later this afternoon we took a walk around the block and then came home to meet Brian. We had made plans to go out to eat with Don and Laurie for St. Paddy's Day. Aubrey had a great time getting out and people watching. She was perfectly behaved even if she only ate 1 or 2 beans and a few bites of fruit.
Here are a few pics of me trying to entertain Aubrey. She wasn't super happy to wear the hat until she saw how cool both Brian and I looked in it! If only she knew...Oh and by the way her shirt says, "I'm a wee bit Irish" (just in case you were wondering).

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