Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 27, 2011

You've Got a Little Something on Your Face...

As you know Miss Aubrey seems to have other things to do in life besides eat. Eating really just interrupts her exploring time! Last week however she had a killer appetite. I think she ate most of her breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks! No small feat!!!! I thought maybe there was a growth spurt going on. She feels a lot heavier to both Brian and I when we pick her up but we haven't seen any difference on the scale. We have her 18 month appointment next week so I am interested to see what the scale tells us.

This weekend the appetite slowed down again. She ate a small amount of breakfast, hardly any lunch and a tiny dinner. There were some snacks mixed in throughout the day, including this delicious munchkin from Bosa donuts. You can see it all over her face! Hopefully this week she'll eat up again...keep your fingers crossed for us!

1 comment:

  1. You're at the supermarket, right?? At least the munchkin was something to eat.....
