Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Shorts are here again....

Aubrey got to put shorts on today! The temp was in the 80's which meant it was time to break out the shorts that we had packed away in October. Sadly, the 12 months shorts still fit her. Guess that means we won't need to buy a whole new wardrobe quite yet.

Today we headed over to the McCormick Park railroad and met Auntie Alice there. Aubrey got to ride the merry go round with Brian. He had her up on a horse and she wasn't super excited about being up there alone. He jumped on with her and she had a blast!

After their ride was over we took a walk over to the playground. Aubrey had a great time riding down 3 of the slides. She climbed up the stairs with a very determined mind set and didn't seem to get too distracted by all of the other little ones running everywhere.

After the park we headed back to Auntie Alice and Uncle Bob's house to visit with them and Bobby. Aubrey had a great time exploring the house and playing with some of the little vases in the window sills. She climbed up and down the little stepladder. She drove the little motorcycle and fire truck all over the living room and dining room and had a great visit. We're hoping to get back over again soon!

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