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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, March 25, 2011

Mid Year Progress Report

Aubrey got her midyear progress report this week. It is a form designed for the Toddler room so it ranges from ages 1-2. There is a lot of growth and development that happen during that time so you can imagine there were many different focuses on the report.

She did awesome on it! She had a ton of G's (Good). Some of the G's were playing nicely with others, eating with a spoon and fork, dancing to music and knowing body parts. There were some W's (working on it. Some of the skills she is working on are counting, saying the alphabet and managing emotions. She also had two I's (improvement). Those were saying "please" appropriately and knowing her last name. Lately at home we have been using her last name not knowing that this was even something they were focusing on in school. Now that we know we'll use it more often! She just started echoing the word please within the past 2 or 3 weeks so that and "thank you" are two skills we've been working on at home too.

It's so nice to get feedback from the teachers in regards to her progress. It's hard to get any time during drop off to talk to Amy who is the head teacher. She and Suzi are the two that are in the room in the morning and both are always busy wrangling kids or changing diapers. The teacher in the afternoon, Ruth, is very nice but she isn't there for the academic piece in the morning so she can really only update me on the behavior pieces. Oh and by the way, that latest update is that Miss Aubrey has been having tantrums. I really thought we had a few more months before those kicked in! Ah well.....those too shall pass! :)
Here are some fun pics of her playing. I put her up on her stool and she sat there very happily just looking around. Check out the crossed feet! The video gives you a small sample of Aubrey reading her book out loud. Enjoy!