Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011


Aubrey was in dire need of a bath last night. Yesterday for lunch she had guacamole which she proceeded to spoon up, place in her hair and mix around. Yummy! I wet her hair down after lunch and then we went to park. The plan was that it would all come out in the bath right before bed.
Well - there was no bath. Miss Aubrey crashed at 7:00 (a whole hour early). She fell asleep nursing so she went to bed fully dressed, teeth unbrushed and yuckiness in her hair. Fantastic parenting at it's best you say? Well in my defense she is still recovering from being sick and her nap was rudely interrupted by Osito. She had a melt down at 7:00 so we turned to some milk and the rest was history. Her little body needed the sleep.
This morning she got the wet hair drill before going to school I put pig tails in so that the yuckiness wasn't too visible. After diner tonight she got in the bath and we had fun with her hair. Not only did we get all of the guacamole out but we made mohawks as well! I called Brian in for some pics. She had fun waving at Osito and of course the big smile you see is for him. Couldn't you just squeeze her?!?!?!


  1. Wish I could squeeze her EVERY DAY!!!!!SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!

  2. OMG- that smile is awesome- love it!
