Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

17 months!

Well folks Miss Aubrey hit the 17 month mark today at 5:45! It's hard to believe the time has gone so quickly! She is at a super fun age right now.

She is saying more words each day - we have added JJ (Uncle Jeremy), Mark (Uncle Mark Garcia), motorboat, cheese, more and banana to her list. She will now imitate the sign for milk and will occasionally use the sign for all done. She imitates a lot of our actions but will look at both of us to see that we are doing it before trying it herself!

She can point out different body parts. She knows head, nose, eyes, belly button and butt. One guess who taught her butt! When she gets antsy in the car I will ask her where these parts are and it's enough of a distraction that she will stop screaming.

She is a climbing maniac! Yesterday she had climbed on her table and was standing on it dancing! She has mastered climbing up and down on our bed with the help of a chair. That was a new trick this weekend. I will post a video later this week. She is so super proud of herself when she gets all the way up there.

She is growing so quickly! I can't wait to see what the next 17 months have in store for her. We'll be sure to keep you posted!

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