Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Aubrey ventured out this weekend and had some stimulation. I think she is bored at home all day because once we went out she was quiet as a mouse - she was people watching and just taking everything in!

Friday night we went to Wal-Mart to pick up her birth announcements that we had printed (our first venture out besides the doctor's office and it's Wal-Mart - go figure). I think we looked a little foolish - I had her in her seat in one hand and a large box of diapers and the pictures in the other hand - but we successfully made it in and out of the store without her even making a peep! Afterwards I went to the drive through to grab dinner and she had a melt down in the car because it was time to eat for her as well. I ended up going back to the Wal-Mart parking lot and parking in a space away from cars and she had a little meal. I told Brian about that and he thought I was crazy. But a girl needs to eat!!! Once we got home she was sacked out for the night. See how much bigger she is already?!?!

Saturday night we all went to bowling. She was in her little Halloween outfit that Janet, Britt and Al sent and she was too cute (we didn't snap a picture though, sorry!). They always say that dogs are "chick magnets" - well babies are people magnets. We had so many people coming over to check her out. She was awesome and took it all in and then even ended up falling asleep even with all of the noise. Looks like she may have developed my sleeping habits (which is what we were hoping for because I am a better sleeper than Brian).

Today we took her to church and then to Dunkin Donuts. They announced her at church so we stood up and you could hear the big loud collective, "Oooohhhh". Once church was over she again had many admirers but she slept through it all. One little girl was looking at her and then said, "Where did you get that baby from?" So grasping for straws I said, "She's our baby" thinking that would be good enough...but no it wasn't. She asked again and I just looked at Brian hoping he'd answer. I couldn't come up with a good enough answer for a 5 year old and I wasn't really going to tell her how we got the baby!

Here are some random pictures just to make you laugh:

This one is her frog face.
Tubby time in her new bathtub.


  1. I love the frog face and look at her chunky tummy! Woo Hoo!!!

  2. I did tell that little girl that we got the baby at the store...you must not have heard me.
