Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 30, 2009

She's Huge!!!

Aubrey went to see the doctor today for her 1 month appt. She is growing like crazy. She now measures 20.5" which is a whole inch bigger than when she was born. She weighs in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and feels so much heavier than the 6lbs. 5 oz. she was! She got her Hepatitis B shot and was not a happy camper but she has slept most of the day as a result.

Here's a pic of Miss Aubrey getting ready for our daily walk. It has been cold here the past few days (low 60's) so she is all bundled up!


  1. Holy Moly! Thats awesome!! Can't wait to see her again! She's gonna overtake Isaac!

  2. It's nuts how quickly they grow! And I would LOVE for it to be in the low 60's... that would be warm! It was a balmy 32 here this morning. =0)
