Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A big nap day today!

Auntie Alice came over today to spend some time with us and Aubrey slept through the entire visit. I think she was catching up on all of the sleep that she missed yesterday! Auntie Alice had come to visit us in the hospital and had brought a little dress and pink socks to match so Aubrey got to dress like a little girl today in honor of the visit. Doesn't she look too cute and comfy cuddled up with Auntie Alice?

Brian came home from work today with a boatload of food from a family at church. The people from church have been great and have provided a few meals for us which has been awesome. Aubrey was sleeping when Brian got home so we enjoyed a quiet dinner. You can then see how Brian and Aubrey spent a portion of the rest of the evening. (At least Osito was awake!)

And then I needed to throw in this cute pic from last night. This is Aubrey's "The Thinker" pose. She loves to have her hands up near her face.


  1. What, the thinker pose? I am impressed though, you very quickly mastered the dual sleep pose. Well, maybe its a good thing we haven't brought our food yet. You can eat all that and we can restock you for a meal or two.

    Anyway, did I mention this kid is adorable???
