Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aubrey is already a week old!

I can't belive that Miss A is already 1 week old. She looks so different already. Her hands seem bigger and she looks less like a newborn every day (which of course is supposed to be the case!). Yesterday we took her for some bloodwork that the state of AZ requires for all newborns and the tech asked how much she weighed when she was born. I told her 6 lbs. 5 oz. and she looked at her said, "I bet she weighs more than that now." She loves to eat and is eating every 2-3 hours so I bet she has packed on some ounces!

Brian went back to work today so it's just Osito and the girls hanging out today. Aubrey is currently laying on her Pooh activity mat listening to some baby Einstein music fighting sleep. You can see the pic above.
Ok - hours later I am back to the blog. It's been a busy afternoon of small cat naps here and there and fussing so I am hoping that means Aubrey will sleep tonight. We shall see....
She had a bath this afternoon...which she hates. After she was done screaming I was able to get a picture of the clean little one!

1 comment:

  1. Once the belly button drops off and you can submerge her a bit more in the tub, the screaming will stop! We also use two washclothes, one to wash Isaac, the other to cover him with to keep him warm.

    She is sooo cute and I'm so glad to hear you guys are doing well. I'm excited that I will be able to get my Aubrey fix online now! Isaac can't wait to meet his new friend (once we all get well).
