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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Good-bye to our visitors

Jeremy and Eunice packed up this morning and left to fly back home. Aubrey woke up in time to say good-bye to them which was a surprise since she seems to sleep when we want her up and is up when we want her to sleep! We took a Bourque picture before they left. Excuse the bed-head and general sleepiness that we are sportin' in the pic!

Jeremy had bought her a bunch of cute outfits including of course Red Sox gear. Here she is looking a little small in the onesie...she'll grow into it. We'll see if she grows into being a Red Sox fan. I think maybe she'll be a girlie girl and avoid sports like the plaque - she'll be into ballet instead - she's already practicing her moves.


  1. I love the family photo! Devon you look great!

  2. Over my dead body! She will suffer with the Red Sox as I did!!!! LOL!
