Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1 month today!

Aubrey is 1 month old today! She looks so different already and is no longer fitting into all of the newborn clothes that she had. I guess it's time to pack up those things that are too short and save them for the next little Bourque! Brian really wants a Connor to add to the family.

Here is Aubrey with her teddy bear...look how long she is compared to him!

Here's a shot of her with tummy time - she worked hard tonight to get that head up!

She finally has a swing which is just AMAZING! It calms her down and gives me an opportunity to give my arms a rest. I think right now it is my favorite toy! You can see how happy and peaceful she is (see the peace sign?).


  1. One month already! Wow! She looks like she's just speeding along on the tummy time and well, I told you so on the swing. Its the best thing ever! Even if its 20 minutes so you can eat, go to the bathroom (not that I've ever used it for that), and sort of chill out time!!! I'm glad to see you guys are doing so well!

  2. The swing was amazing...until a scorpion crawled out of it :(
