Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 12, 2009

And she tips the scales at...

Aubrey had her 2 week check up today and she weighs a whopping 7 lbs 10 oz. The doctor said usually they aim for the babies to gain 1/2 oz a day and Aubrey has been gaining 2 oz a day! She has her mom's appetite (poor kiddo)! Since the weight gain is looking good we can move to feeding every 3-4 hours now instead of 2. I am game for that but we'll see how Miss A responds to that.

Her umbilical cord stump fell off on October 4th but it left behind a gooky, oozy belly button. I of course was freaking out about it but Brian reminded me that there would be a little bit of blood so we thought things were ok (although I still was freaking out). The doctor looked at it today and said that it wasn't going to heal any further and would continue to be gooky so she cauterized it to make it heal and close up. Don't worry...she said that there is no feeling in the belly button so it wouldn't hurt. She stuck a little something in the belly button and Aubrey didn't make a peep.

We also found out that Aubrey has developed thrush in her mouth. Her tongue is all white as you can see from the picture - although it looks a little like a marshmallow. We did some research and it looks like maybe she developed it as a result of the antibiotics that she and I needed during delivery. She has some medicine to get rid of the thrush which has a cherry minty flavor. She makes some awful faces when she gets the medicine.

We went to visit Auntie Alice and Uncle Bob after the doctor's visit. We had a nice afternoon although Aubrey slept through most of it. Uncle Bob did get some good pictures. She ended up waking up towards the end of the night and wanted to eat. She ate and then tossed it all back up a short time later. We got her cleaned up, put her in her car seat, got her in the car and she proceeded to get sick again. The doctor said there is no need to be concerned since this does not happen after every feeding and the weight gain has been good but I still feel so bad for her when this happens. She is hungry now and ready to eat so I am going to run and put a little something in her belly.


  1. HOLY CRAP! Way to Go Aubrey and Mom! That's incredible!!!

  2. I thought you said she had my appetite?

  3. Well I seem to be hungry all of the time and you could eat twice a day and be fine so it seems like maybe she falls more on my side with this!
