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Friday, October 9, 2009

Another sleepy day

Aubrey had another sleepy day today (Friday). She slept most of the day away but did wake up to socialize with our friend Katherine. We went out for a cruise around the neighborhood in the stroller and Osito got a decent walk out of it.
Last night right before bed Aubrey ended up throwing up all of the milk that she had just eaten. It got everywhere - all over her, me and the bed. She was a little stinky so we did a quick once over with a facecloth but saved the full out bath for today. She seemed to eat fine all day up until her last feeding where she tossed it all again - all over herself, the pillow and me. Poor kiddo! So much for the clean baby! She is currently asleep in my arm while I type this - I will wake her in a bit to try and eat again.

Ok - I never got to finish this last night. Good news is she has been chowing down - I got her up every 2ish hours last night and everything stayed down. We have a doctor appt on Monday for her 2 week check up so she'll get weighed and we'll see what she weighs in at.

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