Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 30, 2009

She's Huge!!!

Aubrey went to see the doctor today for her 1 month appt. She is growing like crazy. She now measures 20.5" which is a whole inch bigger than when she was born. She weighs in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and feels so much heavier than the 6lbs. 5 oz. she was! She got her Hepatitis B shot and was not a happy camper but she has slept most of the day as a result.

Here's a pic of Miss Aubrey getting ready for our daily walk. It has been cold here the past few days (low 60's) so she is all bundled up!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1 month today!

Aubrey is 1 month old today! She looks so different already and is no longer fitting into all of the newborn clothes that she had. I guess it's time to pack up those things that are too short and save them for the next little Bourque! Brian really wants a Connor to add to the family.

Here is Aubrey with her teddy bear...look how long she is compared to him!

Here's a shot of her with tummy time - she worked hard tonight to get that head up!

She finally has a swing which is just AMAZING! It calms her down and gives me an opportunity to give my arms a rest. I think right now it is my favorite toy! You can see how happy and peaceful she is (see the peace sign?).

Sunday, October 25, 2009

George Costanza

We have a mini George (from Seinfeld) living with us. Aubrey is losing her hair. She is now completely bald on top but is still sportin' hair in the back and the sides! Poor girl!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Comment Button is working!

Ok, good news - the comment button is now working for everyone. I didn't realize that not everyone could leave comments on the blog but this issue is now fixed...sorry about that!
Comment away...we love reading them! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sorry it has been a few days since the last update. Miss Aubrey has her schedule - she will be super fussy for 1 day (cries and is cranky unless she is being held even when sleeping) and then the next day or 2 days she sleeps most of the day to make up for the lack of sleep on her fussy day. Well it seems as though her sleeper days are the days when we are out visiting family and friends or are out running errands, etc. Of course her crazy fussy days are the days when she and I are home alone all day with nothing exciting going on. Yesterday was a fussy day so she is sleeping soundly right now and I have two hands free to update this!

Tuesday we went to Auntie Alice and Uncle Bob's and visited with Katie, Joey and Ellie. Ellie is so much bigger than she was in August when we saw her last! We went up to the Scottsdale Civic Center and walked around there enjoying the cool air (it was in the 80's - woo-hoo!). Aubrey of course slept most of the day away. She even missed the Sugar Bowl lunch!

Yesterday we tried to have some tummy time again but she is not a fan. She was propped up in her boppy and then wiggled down so that she didn't have to work so hard at keeping her head up! She's already looking for the shortcuts!

She was Miss Cranky Pants last night because she was over-tired but refused to nap. Brian finally got her to snooze for about 20 minutes in her boppy. Those things are all purpose!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Aubrey ventured out this weekend and had some stimulation. I think she is bored at home all day because once we went out she was quiet as a mouse - she was people watching and just taking everything in!

Friday night we went to Wal-Mart to pick up her birth announcements that we had printed (our first venture out besides the doctor's office and it's Wal-Mart - go figure). I think we looked a little foolish - I had her in her seat in one hand and a large box of diapers and the pictures in the other hand - but we successfully made it in and out of the store without her even making a peep! Afterwards I went to the drive through to grab dinner and she had a melt down in the car because it was time to eat for her as well. I ended up going back to the Wal-Mart parking lot and parking in a space away from cars and she had a little meal. I told Brian about that and he thought I was crazy. But a girl needs to eat!!! Once we got home she was sacked out for the night. See how much bigger she is already?!?!

Saturday night we all went to bowling. She was in her little Halloween outfit that Janet, Britt and Al sent and she was too cute (we didn't snap a picture though, sorry!). They always say that dogs are "chick magnets" - well babies are people magnets. We had so many people coming over to check her out. She was awesome and took it all in and then even ended up falling asleep even with all of the noise. Looks like she may have developed my sleeping habits (which is what we were hoping for because I am a better sleeper than Brian).

Today we took her to church and then to Dunkin Donuts. They announced her at church so we stood up and you could hear the big loud collective, "Oooohhhh". Once church was over she again had many admirers but she slept through it all. One little girl was looking at her and then said, "Where did you get that baby from?" So grasping for straws I said, "She's our baby" thinking that would be good enough...but no it wasn't. She asked again and I just looked at Brian hoping he'd answer. I couldn't come up with a good enough answer for a 5 year old and I wasn't really going to tell her how we got the baby!

Here are some random pictures just to make you laugh:

This one is her frog face.
Tubby time in her new bathtub.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We had some fun today with the camera...well actually I did. Aubrey hates the flash as you can see - she told me where to go!

She was fussy today and just wanted to be held most of the day when she was awake. I think the medicine that she is on for the thrush is making her belly upset. She got some quality cuddle time with both of us. Hopefully tomorrow she'll feel better!

Monday, October 12, 2009

And she tips the scales at...

Aubrey had her 2 week check up today and she weighs a whopping 7 lbs 10 oz. The doctor said usually they aim for the babies to gain 1/2 oz a day and Aubrey has been gaining 2 oz a day! She has her mom's appetite (poor kiddo)! Since the weight gain is looking good we can move to feeding every 3-4 hours now instead of 2. I am game for that but we'll see how Miss A responds to that.

Her umbilical cord stump fell off on October 4th but it left behind a gooky, oozy belly button. I of course was freaking out about it but Brian reminded me that there would be a little bit of blood so we thought things were ok (although I still was freaking out). The doctor looked at it today and said that it wasn't going to heal any further and would continue to be gooky so she cauterized it to make it heal and close up. Don't worry...she said that there is no feeling in the belly button so it wouldn't hurt. She stuck a little something in the belly button and Aubrey didn't make a peep.

We also found out that Aubrey has developed thrush in her mouth. Her tongue is all white as you can see from the picture - although it looks a little like a marshmallow. We did some research and it looks like maybe she developed it as a result of the antibiotics that she and I needed during delivery. She has some medicine to get rid of the thrush which has a cherry minty flavor. She makes some awful faces when she gets the medicine.

We went to visit Auntie Alice and Uncle Bob after the doctor's visit. We had a nice afternoon although Aubrey slept through most of it. Uncle Bob did get some good pictures. She ended up waking up towards the end of the night and wanted to eat. She ate and then tossed it all back up a short time later. We got her cleaned up, put her in her car seat, got her in the car and she proceeded to get sick again. The doctor said there is no need to be concerned since this does not happen after every feeding and the weight gain has been good but I still feel so bad for her when this happens. She is hungry now and ready to eat so I am going to run and put a little something in her belly.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Good-bye to our visitors

Jeremy and Eunice packed up this morning and left to fly back home. Aubrey woke up in time to say good-bye to them which was a surprise since she seems to sleep when we want her up and is up when we want her to sleep! We took a Bourque picture before they left. Excuse the bed-head and general sleepiness that we are sportin' in the pic!

Jeremy had bought her a bunch of cute outfits including of course Red Sox gear. Here she is looking a little small in the onesie...she'll grow into it. We'll see if she grows into being a Red Sox fan. I think maybe she'll be a girlie girl and avoid sports like the plaque - she'll be into ballet instead - she's already practicing her moves.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Another sleepy day

Aubrey had another sleepy day today (Friday). She slept most of the day away but did wake up to socialize with our friend Katherine. We went out for a cruise around the neighborhood in the stroller and Osito got a decent walk out of it.
Last night right before bed Aubrey ended up throwing up all of the milk that she had just eaten. It got everywhere - all over her, me and the bed. She was a little stinky so we did a quick once over with a facecloth but saved the full out bath for today. She seemed to eat fine all day up until her last feeding where she tossed it all again - all over herself, the pillow and me. Poor kiddo! So much for the clean baby! She is currently asleep in my arm while I type this - I will wake her in a bit to try and eat again.

Ok - I never got to finish this last night. Good news is she has been chowing down - I got her up every 2ish hours last night and everything stayed down. We have a doctor appt on Monday for her 2 week check up so she'll get weighed and we'll see what she weighs in at.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A big nap day today!

Auntie Alice came over today to spend some time with us and Aubrey slept through the entire visit. I think she was catching up on all of the sleep that she missed yesterday! Auntie Alice had come to visit us in the hospital and had brought a little dress and pink socks to match so Aubrey got to dress like a little girl today in honor of the visit. Doesn't she look too cute and comfy cuddled up with Auntie Alice?

Brian came home from work today with a boatload of food from a family at church. The people from church have been great and have provided a few meals for us which has been awesome. Aubrey was sleeping when Brian got home so we enjoyed a quiet dinner. You can then see how Brian and Aubrey spent a portion of the rest of the evening. (At least Osito was awake!)

And then I needed to throw in this cute pic from last night. This is Aubrey's "The Thinker" pose. She loves to have her hands up near her face.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aubrey is already a week old!

I can't belive that Miss A is already 1 week old. She looks so different already. Her hands seem bigger and she looks less like a newborn every day (which of course is supposed to be the case!). Yesterday we took her for some bloodwork that the state of AZ requires for all newborns and the tech asked how much she weighed when she was born. I told her 6 lbs. 5 oz. and she looked at her said, "I bet she weighs more than that now." She loves to eat and is eating every 2-3 hours so I bet she has packed on some ounces!

Brian went back to work today so it's just Osito and the girls hanging out today. Aubrey is currently laying on her Pooh activity mat listening to some baby Einstein music fighting sleep. You can see the pic above.
Ok - hours later I am back to the blog. It's been a busy afternoon of small cat naps here and there and fussing so I am hoping that means Aubrey will sleep tonight. We shall see....
She had a bath this afternoon...which she hates. After she was done screaming I was able to get a picture of the clean little one!