Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Walking with Purpose

Aubrey loves to play with Osito's harness and leash. She finds them around the house and likes to put the harness around her neck and walk around dragging the leash behind her. This past week I decided that she could try to walk him around the block. We brought her stroller but it turned out that she didn't need it at all. She walked the entire way holding on to his leash. We haven't gotten in to the car yet to track how far the walk was but it had to be 1/4 mile! She was so super proud of herself!

The next day we tried it again, this time with Brian. He supervised the walking while I attempted to get it on video. She got a bit side tracked this time. We needed to keep redirecting her to the sidewalk. She kept dropping Osito's leash and running into the different yards! It took a lot longer this time to do the loop but she made it!