Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Aubrey had a Valentine's Day card exchange at school! They didn't have a party with snacks because peanut allergies are all over the place at school. That was kind of a bummer and it presented a bit of a challenge trying to find something fun to add to her cards but we did it!

We had gone to Wal-Mart over the weekend to find cards. She reached out and grabbed the box that had cards with puppies and kittens on them. She made up her mind super quickly that those were the ones that she wanted. We then looked for fun things that 1 year olds could play with and wouldn't eat, choke, stain, etc. We eventually found little packs of kitten and puppy stickers that went perfectly with the cards she had picked.
We filled out the cards Sunday night and Aubrey got to color a little picture on each. She got about halfway through and then was tired of coloring on the cards. She wanted to color all over the table instead! That was the end of that project at that point!
Aubrey and Brian brought the cards into school today and then she and I came home with her pouch full of cards from her friends. Tonight the three of us sat down to look at her cards and open her Valentine's Day gifts. She got cards, stickers, tattoos and even bubbles from her friends. Brian got her yogurt bites, freeze dried fruits, yogurt cereal bars and a sock monkey. I got her some sippy cups with straws and some CD's for our car rides to and from school. She lucked out and got lots of fun things! She also had a brand new Valentine's Day outfit on. We were glad to celebrate Aubrey on a special day of love! She is just amazing!

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