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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ears are clear!

Today we had another follow up doctor appointment for Aubrey's eyes and ears. She caught that nasty cough and cold on Christmas Day and still hasn't officially kicked it. She was on antibiotics on New Years due to the fluid in her ear. They did the trick and her ears had cleared up. She then got hit with a bout of pink eye and was on eye drops for that. It cleared up and then 2 weeks later that was back again. We went back to see Dr. Jones and found out that Miss Aubrey had fluid in her ear again. She was given a new antibiotic with the warning that if this did not work we would need to go see a Ear, Nose and Throat specialist for a tubes consult. This was not good news!
Today we had a follow up with Dr. Jones. She said Aubrey's ears looked perfect! Hooray! We just need this flu season to pass so that she and all the kiddos in her class get healthy and stay healthy! Fingers crossed for a speedy Spring :)

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