Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Joys of Hair

This is another post about hair - sorry! You see she had a full head of it when she was born and then everything up top fell out and she for the longest time Miss Aubrey sported the bald look. It started to slowly grow back in and by July it started to look like big kid hair and not baby hair anymore. By September it was starting to get a bit long. As you can see...

Since she has turned 1 her hair has grown so fast! I jokingly call it Chia Pet. It has beautiful little curls in it and is past her shoulders when it is wet. We can now get it into pig tails, a pony tail and two mini pig tails on the top of he head. It is so pretty but it takes on a whole new look after sleeping on it! These pics were too funny not to share...

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