Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 22, 2010

She's Walkin' Yes Indeed She's Walkin'!

Really?!?! YES!!!! So a few days before her birthday Aubrey took some steps towards me. The for the next few days she would take steps to me and then she just stopped. If Brian or I would stand her up and she's stand for a moment and then fall to her knees and would just cry or crawl away. She was not going to walk for anything!

The past 2 days I noticed her getting brave and taking 1 or 2 steps from her table toy to the entertainment center and backor from the coffee table to the couch. Tonight we had a late dinner and then headed into the bathroom for a bath. Before getting into the bath I was trying to get a video of her on my phone to send to her Nani. She was standing up with her hands on the side of the bathtub and then she just turned around and started walking! She confidently took a few steps and then fell but she didn't mind at all! I got all excited and you could tell that she was proud of herself! I stood her back up and she took off out of the bathroom and then down the hall. This girl is motoring! She stayed up late to practice walking and let me tell you she is already pretty solid!


  1. Wow, they grow up fast don't they! lol

  2. Get those running shoes ready... its not long now until she's running everywhere! :)
