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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Old McDonald had a Farm

Today we headed over to Schnepf Farm in Queen Creek for their Fall activities. Isaac, Becky, Dave Jeremy and Mark all came with us. Although we are in the middle of October it was in the high 90's and really warm. We got to go play in the Petting Zoo and everyone got to pat the goats. Aubrey was hitting them more than patting them and Isaac was a little leery of them in the beginning but he warmed up fast and got to pat them as well. Don't worry...there was a sink with soap right outside of the exit. After the petting zoo we went through the corn maze and then over to see some pig races. Aubrey did a lot of walking with the assistance of two fingers...although she can walk on her own she is terrified of it and will not do it. Along with the walking she did a good deal of sitting down when she got tired...in the goat pen, on the dirt outside of the goat pen, etc. We wrapped up our trip with a visit to the pumpkin patch where both Isaac and Aubrey got to pick out pumpkins. They had a great time playing together as they were looking for their perfect pumpkin.

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