Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Family Party Time

Saturday we had a family party for Aubrey. Auntie Alice, Uncle Bob, Grampa Tom, Linda, Uncle Jeremy, Eunice, John, Joey and Ellie were all there. Aubrey had a great time visiting with everyone and especially liked playing with Joey and Ellie. She is really starting to recognize kids and seems to be drawn to them. Friday night she was playing chase with a little girl who is 3. At the party she really loved playing with all of her toys alongside of Joey and Ellie. She cuddled with Linda and Auntie Alice and spent a good part of the day standing at coffee table just studying everyone. She was not into showing off her walking skills, however at one point she did walk over to me but everyone was in conversation and missed it. I know if I had called attention to it Aubrey would not have performed...she has that way about her!
This time around Aubrey had a carrot cake. She was not interested in playing in it at all. She wouldn't even try any of the icing when I tried to get her to taste it. Linda was able to fork feed her 2 or 3 bites and then she had enough and wanted out of her seat. It's not a bad thing that she's not into the sugary cake - I was just hoping to get some messy cake pictures. These were as close as we got.

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