Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 17, 2010

12 month stats

A late post...but still a good one! Aubrey had her 12 month doctor appointment on October 8th. She now measures in at 29 inches high. This puts her in the 42nd percentile. She weighed in at 17.9 ounces. This puts her in the 4th percentile. She has dropped from the 25th% to the 4th% but the doctor is not concerned because she is still gaining.

Food is just one of those things that she just doesn't have time for. There is way too much to explore and watch that she can't be bothered. At school she does ok with her solids...much better than she does at home. Eating at school is definetly a social thing. All of the kids sit at 1 of 2 tables with little bucket seats (think of the kid tables that were on Jon & Kate Plus 8). She will eat because everyone is eating. At home she gets bored after a few bites and wants to get down and explore.

The milk issue is a whole different beast. She has decided to cut down - and I mean way down - on her milk intake. This of course happens when they start to eat more solids...but she needs to beef it up a bit. For weeks they were struggling to get Aubrey to drink her morning bottle. Finally last week they figured out how to get her to drink it. She comes in early from her morning walk so that she is the only one in the room. She is put into a feeding chair - basically a rocking chair that is put into a locked position so that she is reclines. They give her the bottle and then walk away and can't watch her. If they watch her she decides not to eat it but to play with it. She is averaging only about 8-10 ounces a day at school. One day 2 weeks ago she woke up with a completely dry diaper.

Hopefully now that they have the morning bottle figured out she will up her daily intake. This week I am going to try and nit go in to feed her for lunch. When I go in she falls asleep within a few minutes and usually only gets about 1-2 ounces. She then doesn't get another bottle until 5:00. If I don't go in they will try 3 bottles with her - so in theory she should get more milk if I don't go in. I am sad to cut my lunch visits out but this way she should get more milk in and she'll learn how to fall asleep without nursing. I'll let you know how all that works out! Fingers crossed for lots of milk this week!


  1. Does Aubrey like her spinning wheel gear toy? Katie LOVED hers, so I recommended it to Widda when she asked for suggestions...

  2. Yes she loves it. It was a huge hit at her party!
