Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Festival & Butterflies

Today we went to the Desert Botanical Gardens with Becky, Dave and Isaac. They were nice enough to share their passes with us. The weather was beautiful which made for a great day. We took a tractor ride to the pumpkin patch and Aubrey and Isaac were off exploring. There were a ton of pumpkins to look at and they both definitely walked around checking many of them out. We went home with a huge pumpkin that Brian will carve in the next few days.
The kiddos also visited the Petting Zoo. I think Brian was more excited than Aubrey and Isaac. There were a few animals there -a pony, 2 goats, 2 chickens and a sheep. Aubrey and Isaac had fun talking to the pig. Aubrey was lifting her leg up to step over the pig and ended up kicking him in the head! Dave got a great picture of that (we didn't so we had to borrow his picture...thanks Dave!). Our memory card has bit the dust so we didn't get too many pics today.
Our last stop was the butterfly exhibit. It was full of monarch butterflies and many of them were active and were flying around. Brian got some good pics with his phone. Aubrey seemed to really enjoy checking them out and watching them fly all around.

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