Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 15, 2010

Birthday Season is Over

Last Saturday we had Aubrey's final birthday party. This one was the friend party and we packed our little house with 20+ people. Isaac, Thalia and Ella all came so that meant there were 4 kids under 17 months old at the house. Aubrey had a great time playing with them and I think they had a great time playing with all of the toys. At one point Ella bent down and studied Aubrey -Aubrey just sat there studying her back. It was the cutest thing ever...but of course no one got it on film.

As far as the cake went - let's just say that the 3rd time was not the charm. Everybody gathered into the kitchen and we sang to Aubrey. She did just fine until she looked up and saw all of the eyes on her. The she started crying and that was the end. She got just about 1 finger into the cake and then was not interested at all.

We ended up opening her gifts on Monday. She helped Brian get into the package from Linda and Blake. Overall this kiddo totally lucked out! She got books, clothes, bath toys, a puzzle, a piano, am activity table and bunches and bunches of other cool toys! She will have lots of options tomorrow when she wakes up and gets to stay home and play.

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