Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

17 months!

Well folks Miss Aubrey hit the 17 month mark today at 5:45! It's hard to believe the time has gone so quickly! She is at a super fun age right now.

She is saying more words each day - we have added JJ (Uncle Jeremy), Mark (Uncle Mark Garcia), motorboat, cheese, more and banana to her list. She will now imitate the sign for milk and will occasionally use the sign for all done. She imitates a lot of our actions but will look at both of us to see that we are doing it before trying it herself!

She can point out different body parts. She knows head, nose, eyes, belly button and butt. One guess who taught her butt! When she gets antsy in the car I will ask her where these parts are and it's enough of a distraction that she will stop screaming.

She is a climbing maniac! Yesterday she had climbed on her table and was standing on it dancing! She has mastered climbing up and down on our bed with the help of a chair. That was a new trick this weekend. I will post a video later this week. She is so super proud of herself when she gets all the way up there.

She is growing so quickly! I can't wait to see what the next 17 months have in store for her. We'll be sure to keep you posted!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Walking with Purpose

Aubrey loves to play with Osito's harness and leash. She finds them around the house and likes to put the harness around her neck and walk around dragging the leash behind her. This past week I decided that she could try to walk him around the block. We brought her stroller but it turned out that she didn't need it at all. She walked the entire way holding on to his leash. We haven't gotten in to the car yet to track how far the walk was but it had to be 1/4 mile! She was so super proud of herself!

The next day we tried it again, this time with Brian. He supervised the walking while I attempted to get it on video. She got a bit side tracked this time. We needed to keep redirecting her to the sidewalk. She kept dropping Osito's leash and running into the different yards! It took a lot longer this time to do the loop but she made it!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Joys of Hair

This is another post about hair - sorry! You see she had a full head of it when she was born and then everything up top fell out and she for the longest time Miss Aubrey sported the bald look. It started to slowly grow back in and by July it started to look like big kid hair and not baby hair anymore. By September it was starting to get a bit long. As you can see...

Since she has turned 1 her hair has grown so fast! I jokingly call it Chia Pet. It has beautiful little curls in it and is past her shoulders when it is wet. We can now get it into pig tails, a pony tail and two mini pig tails on the top of he head. It is so pretty but it takes on a whole new look after sleeping on it! These pics were too funny not to share...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ears are clear!

Today we had another follow up doctor appointment for Aubrey's eyes and ears. She caught that nasty cough and cold on Christmas Day and still hasn't officially kicked it. She was on antibiotics on New Years due to the fluid in her ear. They did the trick and her ears had cleared up. She then got hit with a bout of pink eye and was on eye drops for that. It cleared up and then 2 weeks later that was back again. We went back to see Dr. Jones and found out that Miss Aubrey had fluid in her ear again. She was given a new antibiotic with the warning that if this did not work we would need to go see a Ear, Nose and Throat specialist for a tubes consult. This was not good news!
Today we had a follow up with Dr. Jones. She said Aubrey's ears looked perfect! Hooray! We just need this flu season to pass so that she and all the kiddos in her class get healthy and stay healthy! Fingers crossed for a speedy Spring :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Applesauce Adventure

Aubrey has been practicing with a spoon and occasionally a fork for awhile now. She is really good at getting the food into her mouth with hardly any on her face. This applesauce seems to be an exception to the rule!

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Big Helper

Last week Aubrey was home sick with another case of pink eye. We hung out, played, went to the park and then came home for lunch. After lunch I attempted to get her to take a nap...how do you think that worked out? She has been fighting them now when she is home and usually won't go down until 5pm. On this sick day I was lucky enough to get her down around 3:00. She was asleep for about 20 minutes and then Osito started barking and that was the end of that!

However, during those 20 minutes I did attempt to wash the floor. When she woke up she stood there and watched me for a minute or two before deciding that she wanted to help. Here you can see her in action!

After we finished the floor we went in to her playrooom and Isaac and Becky came over. Isaac was also home sick from school. Both kiddos were on medicine so we figured we could let them play together. They had a great time coloring, playing with the toys and playing hide and go seek with us from her bedroom.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Aubrey had a Valentine's Day card exchange at school! They didn't have a party with snacks because peanut allergies are all over the place at school. That was kind of a bummer and it presented a bit of a challenge trying to find something fun to add to her cards but we did it!

We had gone to Wal-Mart over the weekend to find cards. She reached out and grabbed the box that had cards with puppies and kittens on them. She made up her mind super quickly that those were the ones that she wanted. We then looked for fun things that 1 year olds could play with and wouldn't eat, choke, stain, etc. We eventually found little packs of kitten and puppy stickers that went perfectly with the cards she had picked.
We filled out the cards Sunday night and Aubrey got to color a little picture on each. She got about halfway through and then was tired of coloring on the cards. She wanted to color all over the table instead! That was the end of that project at that point!
Aubrey and Brian brought the cards into school today and then she and I came home with her pouch full of cards from her friends. Tonight the three of us sat down to look at her cards and open her Valentine's Day gifts. She got cards, stickers, tattoos and even bubbles from her friends. Brian got her yogurt bites, freeze dried fruits, yogurt cereal bars and a sock monkey. I got her some sippy cups with straws and some CD's for our car rides to and from school. She lucked out and got lots of fun things! She also had a brand new Valentine's Day outfit on. We were glad to celebrate Aubrey on a special day of love! She is just amazing!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Audible Aubrey

Just recently Aubrey has begun to talk to say words when asked. She's not at a point where she uses any words to cummunicate but she is able to echo a good deal of words back to us. It's so much fun to listen to her try new words out. These videos are from last week and we've added a few more words just today: Sito, cheese, MaMa. Soon she'll be talking up a storm! Enjoy these!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A few more chompers...

We finally have a few more teeth! Her top lateral incisors have broken through (the teeth next to the front ones) . It seems like it took these ones forever to make an appearance. We could start to see the beginnings of them in the gums back in November when we fly to Massachusetts. I didn't think it would take this long for them to break through but she welcomed them like a champ. Aubrey didn't seem to be uncomfortable or fussy at all due to the teeth. Hopefully the next set treat her just as nicely! Her bottom lateral incisors and bottom first molars are not far behind. We can see the bottom lateral incisors in the gums and the molars are all swollen so we should be able to see them soon too. She'll be eating Filet Mignon in no time!