Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 26, 2010

Time to Give Thanks

Yesterday was Aubrey's 2nd Thanksgiving. I was looking forward to a great day for Aubrey. Last year she had a tough day. Brian had been sick for days and didn't want to hold her and get her sick so it meant Aubrey and I were pretty much alone for days while he was immobile on the couch. I remember sitting at the dinner table at Alice and Bob's with Miss Aubrey who was crying and cranky throughout dinner. We left not long after dinner and she screamed and screamed and screamed in the car. That was the first time that I too was ready to cry from sheer exhaustion and panic about why this little girl would scream so hard. We got about 2 exits from Alice and Bob's house and I pulled off into a parking lot of a restaurant to nurse her. The screaming and pulling over were common occurrences back then.

I am thankful that those days of screaming are now over. We now know she was screaming in pain from her milk allergy which is a thing of the past now! I am thankful that we have a healthy and happy little girl. She has brought such amazing joy to our lives and we are so incredibly blessed. She is a very easy child that loves to explore and play independently. She is gentle and sweet and just pure amazing!
Here is Aubrey then and now...she has come a long way in one year!

We are sad that we aren't able to get back to Massachusetts more often so tha Aubrey can get to know her family better. We've been back twice since she has been born and both times it has been such a joy to see her play with her great grandparents, grandmothers, uncles, cousins and others.


  1. Such a big size difference!! I'd forgotten how sick Brian had been last year.So glad Aubrey is over that allergy!! The times you've been back to visit have been wonderful for all of us. It's wonderful to see how happy you are and Aubrey is such a joy to be with!!!!

  2. Aubrey has been so cute since day 1 but it seems as though the bigger she gets, the cuter she gets!!!

  3. She is pretty easy...which is just weird. And yes, she is a cutie too!
