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Friday, November 19, 2010

Family Visit

Our trip back to MA was super fast and we tried to cram in as much family and friend time that we could in a matter of a few days. It's tough to balance the time with everyone and feel like we are getting quality time with everyone. But we continue to try...
During our trip back this time around we spent one night at Nana and Papa's. There Aubrey discovered the stairs. Her first trip up them and she had them mastered! She was up them in a matter of seconds and would then get carried down and would go back up again. This game went on for quite some time. You can see in one of the pictures here that she wanted to go up and Nana was done with that game! I'm glad we don't have stairs in our house! Now that we are back she's into climbing onto everything...
We were able to grab a quick lunch with Uncle Colin and Uncle Morgan. Aubrey was super interested in Morgan's french fries and she kept stealing them from his plate. After filling up on a few bites of fruit, chicken and lots of fries we headed outside where she walked and walked and walked all through the parking lot. Yes I realize it's not the best place to have her practice her steps but we tried to keep her on the sidewalk and the 3 of us were surrounding her. It gave her an opportunity to stretch her legs before we needed to head to the wedding. She is a walking machine now!

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