Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 22, 2010

All I Want for Christmas is NO More Teeth!

Yes it's true! On the flight to MA (11/3) Aubrey woke up screaming when the pilot came on the overhead system. I was able to glimpse 4 white buds under her gums...her top 4 teeth were making their way down. She's been really good with the pain other than the short incident on the plane.

Within the past few days the front left one finally cut through her gum. Today her school called around 4:00 to say that she was very upset and wouldn't settle down. She was running a temp of 99 - nothing too high but they were concerned because she is always a happy kiddo. I suggested they use the swing as that calms her at home. I was able to get to the school about 20 minutes later and she was hanging out in the swing - looking way too big for it but happy as a clam!

She got a bit fussy when she saw me and was not too pleased at all when I put her down to walk (her favorite activity). I dosed her with some Tylenol and we headed for home. She was not her usual self tonight at all. She was clingy and wanted to nurse so I knew she still wasn't feeling great. Her temp was normal but I did notice that the right front tooth had finally popped through too! I am sure the eye teeth will be here soon too. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day for her!
We'll get some pictures soon. In the meantime enjoy this one sporting the bottom teeth from a happier night.

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