Every day is a gift...

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Friday, April 2, 2010

What did the scale say???

I had the day off today because Aubrey's school was closed for Good Friday. It was so awesome to spend the day with Miss A. We had Aubrey's 6 month visit to the doctor today. She weighs 14 lbs and 8 oz which puts her in the 25% for weight. She is 25.5 inches long and in the 50% for height. Doctor said all looks good on that home front!

She had 5 shots and an oral vaccine and she was not a happy camper. Poor baby was in a lot of pain! She has been tired today which is the first shot appt where she has been tired! She is currently passed out on the couch.

I asked the doc about her stuffy nose. It has been stuffy since she caught the cold back in early February. She said it is not seasonal allergies as Aubrey is too young for those but she said she could be stuffy from all of the things stirred up in the air right now. She suggested we get a Hepa filter so we will try that out and hopefully see a difference.

After the doctor appt we had lunch with Brian today and then went to Buy Buy Baby to exchange a stroller toy that we had bought. We upgraded to a better one and we are excited to have her try it out. It is one of her Easter gifts so she'll get it on Sunday.

Earlier today she was hanging out in her boppy and I walked away to run to the bathroom. I came back out and she had ripped off one of her band-aids and was sampling it. Silly monkey!

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