Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

6 months means real food!

Miss A hit the 6 month mark on Sunday. Happy half birthday my love! Now that she is 6 months we can start real solids! I wanted to wait to hopefully lessen any allergies. There is research out there that says waiting until 6 months can lessen the liklehood of allergies so it made sense to wait. We know she has the milk allergy and she reacts when I have nuts as well. Her nose has been stuffy for 9ish weeks now so I think she also has seasonal allergies. We don't need any more issues so it just made sense to wait.
She had avocado and didn't enjoy it all that much. She made lots of faces and gagged a few times but we were able to get a few bites in.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Ms A! I almost came down the street today to see how big you are getting but Isaac decided he wanted to nap! yum yum advocado!
