Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Today we had an Easter Egg hunt over at Aubrey's school. She got 5 eggs that were hidden around the courtyard. We traded the eggs in for a treat bag full of goodies. Tootsie rolls, Starburst and Lifesavers for us big kids and Aubrey ended up with a friendship bracelet and a bettle tatoo! Weird, huh? But we had fun so that is all that matters.

After the hunt we headed to the house in Laveen to weed the front yard. Our neighbor came over to say hello and Aubrey FREAKED out! She started crying hysterically and it took awhile to settle her down. I think she is still feeling a little off from the shots yesterday. She slept off and on today (30 minutes at a time which is usual) and had a slight fever. We gave her some tylenol and she seemed to cool off and was happier. Hopefully tomororrow she'll be back to her normal happy self!

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