Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Guess who slept until 6 am?

We all did! Hooray! Last night Aubrey and I went to Wal-Mart to grab some stuff and on the 5 minute drive home she passed out. I brought her into the house and she didn't wake up so I left her in her carseat. Around 10 pm I got a bottle of frozen milk ready for her and took her out of the seat and got her changed (she screamed!). We got her all settled and then I gave her a 4 oz bottle. She conked back out and I put her in her little papasan chair so that she could sleep upright to help with the congestion. I am super paranoid about scorpians and didn't trust the chair on theground so we put that inside of her pack and play and she slep there. The alarm went off at 6am and Miss Aubrey was still in the papasan chair and not in our bed! I think this was a fluke but it would be awesome if this was a new schedule :)
Yes I know this is an old pic but I have no fun new ones at the moment. This is just a reminder of how tiny she was!

1 comment:

  1. Sadly it was a fluke as she was in our bed this morning.
