Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 23, 2010


Poor Miss A is sick. School called yesterday around 4:30 to say she was running a temp of 100.8. I went to get her and we headed home. We hung out at home and she was super cuddly, fussy and tired. This is not like her so we knew she wasn't feeling well. We monitored the temp and at it's highest it hit 102.8 - she felt like a little baked potato. She hadn't slept well Thursday night and now we know why - she was coming down with something.

I took this morning off and we hung out. She was in a happier mood but still warm so I called the doctor. We went in so that they could check her out and the verdict was a temp over 100 and a red throat. Poor kiddo. She and Brian spent the afternoon together and she basically slept the entire time while I was at work.

Keep your fingers crossed for a quick recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Awww... Little Miss A! Don't be sick! Its no fun! But you are awfully cute and seem to be getting good at that sippy cup!
