Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Yesterday was Osito's 2 year anniversary with us. We have a little picture where he actually was looking straight at the camera for once (must be because he knew that it was a special day)! We celebrated with him by getting some yummy cinnamon frosted pumpkin cookies. I swore I would never spoil my dog...but it has happened, however I blame it all on Brian because he is worse than I am. If you have seen him with Osito then you know what I am talking about.
As mentioned in a previous blog Aubrey is starting to get some fuzz on the top of her head. She is now losing it in the back though too. She's sportin' quite the hairstyle!
She's also getting better at tummy time. Here is a picture of her taking a little break but looking all girlie in an outfit that Nana and Papa sent to her.

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