Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 9, 2009


Last week I got the all clear from the doctor to go back to the gym which was great news!!! I then got hit with a nasty infection so didn't hit the gym until today. It was AMAZING!!! Brian and Aubrey bonded at home - doesn't she look happy hangin' with her dad?

Osito decided to make himself comfortable in Aubrey's chair tonight. Brian then turned the vibrate option on which will guarantee that he never jumps in there again!

And this other picture was just too cute not to post because she looks like a little tiny burrito baby. That was at 7 am this morning and I was trying to get Miss Aubrey to fall back to sleep for awhile - and yes I was successful! :)


  1. Awww... cute! If our cat would have ever experienced the vibration of the bouncy chair I guarantee we never would have gotten her out of it! She's a bit strange like that...

  2. Pft! like you need to go to the gym! Last time I saw you you were tiny again!

  3. i love seeing mommy and daddy shots with Aubrey! :)
