Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 6, 2009


Poor Aubrey has had a rough week! Wednesday we had a doctor's appt and she had a complete meltdown in the waiting room. There was no consoling her for a good 5 minutes...which means that I have officially become that person with the screaming child!

Once we got into our own room she was happy as a clam. We saw the nurse practitioner, got some antibiotics for me and were on our way. We went to CVS to fill the script and she had a meltdown in the store. We went to the car and she ate right there in the parking lot. We've gotten really good at scoping out feeding spaces in various parking lots!

We then went to meet up with Brian for dinner which worked out well because she through it all. Once we got to the parking lot she freaked out so she got to have her dinner there in the Joe's parking lot.

Yesterday her grampa came to visit and she did well until late afternoon when she started melting. That lasted most of the evening!

Today I figured she would make up for the lack of sleep from the past 2 days but I was wrong! She slept in the car on the way to the chiropractor and then woke up and started freaking out throughout my massage. It ended early as a result! Some of the ladies at the front took her during my adjustment and she was happy, happy, happy for them!

We got back in the car and she slept for a bit and then woke up very unhappy. We took Osito for a walk and she snoozed for about 25 minutes and the woke up screaming again. She is now finally getting a much needed nap!

Any ideas for an overtired baby that fights sleep? ??? All advice is appreciated!!! She is a great night sleeper but doesn't sleep much during the day (most days) so we have days like above. Poor baby!

Even though she had a rough week I was able to get a few good pics...Enjoy!


  1. A great trick I just recently learned is to wrap baby up like a burrito (or in Robbie's case wrap his favorite blankie around him as much as I can since he's a big wiggle worm), hold him/her close to your chest, and gently sit/bounce on an exercise ball. Don't know why, but when he's fighting sleep I'll do this and he calms right down (sometimes falls asleep in my arms) so I can lay him in his crib for a nap. It's worth a try! =0)

  2. Sounds like you have your hands fulll with poor Aubrey if she's like that most days!! Your friend Danielle's suggestion may work--have you tried it yet? I almost didn't recognize your Dad at first glance but he seems to really be enjoying Aubrey! Tell Brian I said HI Luv you,Mom--Oh, what are your plans for Thanksgiving?
