Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 20, 2009

Growth spurt?!?!?!

So Aubrey has napped this week! That is awesome and no small feat - but you probably wouldn't understand unless you were here when she was having an overtired meltdown. She actually napped for one full hour on Wednesday (longest nap ever)! I thought maybe we were just finally into a nap groove but then I googled baby growth spurts and found that extra eating and extra sleeping can be an indicator of growth spurts. I found out that babies typically have a growth spurt around 6 weeks - I think she is one week behind. Big surprise there though seeing as Miss Aubrey seems to follow her own time schedule as we saw with her due date that came and went.
The bottom picture shows her napping in her chair - I was pumping and went over to the sink to clean up and found her sleeping so I needed to get a pic to commemorate this incredible accomplishment :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for napping! I bet she's having a growth spurt! Is she eating more? We find Isaac has a big couple of days of eating, then some sleeping, then some sleeplessness!!! We have to get together soon! I need to see this cutie!
