Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 29, 2009

2 months already

I can't believe that Aubrey is already 2 months old (as of yesterday officially)! She has changed so much and seems so much bigger. I call her my little sack of potatoes because she actually feels heavy now when I pick her up. We have been weighing her at home and think she is somewhere near the 10.5 mark. We have a doctor's appt on Thursday so we'll post new numbers then.

The other night she was rockin' some tummy time and this happened. Brian said it was just a fluke but she then did it another 2 times. Check it out - but ignore the really annoying voice!

She also has discovered her hands. She has two little fists that she stares at in amazement when we are in the car. Here she is pretending to have an ice cream cone one day recently on our walk.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! It may have been a fluke, but once she starts getting a feeling for it she'll start rolling over more and more!!
